
December 16, 2023

7 Important Pillars of a Fulfilled Life

Read time - 3 min.

I have always strived to achieve a complete, fulfilled life, perfection.

To stay there as long as possible and be preserved from everything.

Do I really need that? No.

Because even when I reach that state, something always comes up that hits me like a hammer on the head and brings me down to the ground, and the inner peace disappears in a second.

Then, it starts all over again.

So, instead of hiding there and staying, find the light in your heart and carry it everywhere.

Then darkness becomes the sun, and you a mighty force.

And these are 7 things you need to adopt to become just that and have a fulfilled life.

1. Angelic Whisper ( Intuition )

All wisdom comes from another world, unknown to our minds and to our souls, the land of angels and God, our only home.

And every inspirational action should come to you as the whisper of an angel, the voice of intuition.

That voice will tell you what to do and finally take for a fulfilled life.

Follow that path, give everything to your peace, and you will also receive miracles.

2. Curiosity

Keep the child in you always awake.

Always seek the undiscovered because it will clear the clouds and nourish your thoughts with the sun and your spirit with youth.

Search for spiritual answers, and spirits will make your life fulfilled.

Always be curious, but remember, knowledge without action can be dangerous.

3. Movement

Be a knight if you are a man, and a forest fairy if you are a woman.

True movement teaches you to feel your body, fills you with confidence, and gives you health.

At the top of the pyramid of right movements are martial arts or dance.

4. Love

Breathe love into every pain. It will bring everyone and every situation back on the right track.

The only path you need is the path of love and inner peace.

If you want a fulfilled life, first fulfill someone or something else.

5. Share your blessing

Let every good thought of yours become an inspiration to others.

Share everything you do and have with others, and you will always have more than you need.

6. Imagination

Your life is an illusion, a reflection of what you carry within you.

So, dream and create with your thoughts, the mind will follow you, and life will create a new reality in line with your thoughts. And you live a fulfilled life.

When you share a new knowledge, it becomes 10 times stronger.

7. Gratitude

If you always feel something is lacking, it’s because you think you have less than you actually have.

You will achieve more through gratitude for what you have than by acquiring what you don’t.

Always be grateful and share your gratitude with God before sleeping.

Gratitude is an essential key to a fulfilling life.


Use these segments and create your daily routine for a fulfilled life.

I have already done that, and I will share it with you in the next newsletter.

Stay in love.

Whenever you're ready, there is a way I can help you:

R.I.P. Fear

From fear to a life full of dance. Upcoming Audiobook. 

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